Wilson Brothers Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc

How to Use Your New Heat Pump with Your Old Boiler

Everybody loves throwing away old technology to replace with the latest and greatest breakthroughs. For example, heat pumps are an energy efficient new technology that allows us to decrease our spend on fossil fuels while providing amazing comfort. However, when we install a new heating and cooling system, we recommend to our customers to keep the old system as a back-up for those frigid winters.

This winter has been extra cold and we have been busy answering calls for frozen or burst pipes so we have a few tips when it comes to switching from baseboard heat to heat pumps. Most baseboard heat runs along exterior walls, leaving pipes more exposed and at a greater risk of a freeze-up even though your heat pump is heating the house. During these extremely cold temperatures we recommend that you run your baseboard instead of your heat pumps. The best way to avoid a freeze-up is to keep that warm water moving since moving water has a harder time freezing.

Tip #2 is decrease your setback on your thermostat during the winter. A large set-back will give water more time to freeze. The most efficient setback is 2-3 degrees during colder seasons and during extreme cold weather we recommend that you turn your set-back off.

As we continue to switch to new technology in order to decrease the use of fossil fuels, there will certainly be some adjustments and learning curves along the way but we are happy to help make sure you stay comfortable in your own home.

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